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Bracell holds 1st Meeting with Municipal Managers

Bracell SP held, on the 21st, the first Meeting with Municipal Managers, bringing together mayors from 10 regional cities who will support recruitment for the expansion project.

Bracell presented information on the project, known as Project Star, with a focus on the job opportunities and training courses that will benefit the region. The meeting was also an opportunity to strengthen the relationship with municipal managers.

Also explained was the recruitment platform, created to link available talent with companies that need to hire these professionals. Carlos Barbieri, Manager of Institutional Relations and Social Responsibility, presented the tool that will allow municipalities to register interested parties, facilitating access to outsourced companies, which are managed by Meta, through the Service Center.

We have vacancies available for about 4,800 professionals to work in the expansion project, in roles such as bricklayer, carpenter, plumber, assembly assistant, civil assistant, assembler electrician, among others. Bracell will train the public officials of the municipalities in the system later this week. It will be up to each city to inform residents on how to register.

Another point addressed was the partnership with the State Government of São Paulo, through the Secretariat of Economic Development, in which training courses will be offered for different areas related to the vacancies that will be available. Luciano Máximo, representative of the State Government’s Secretariat of Development, was present and spoke about professional qualification through programs such as Via Employment, My Chance and Paula Souza Center.

The meeting was attended by Mayors Anderson Prado de Lima, Lençóis Paulista; Marcos Olivato, Macatuba; Clodoaldo Gazzetta, Bauru; Antonio Carlos dos Santos (Toni Cadete), Areiópolis; José Luiz Rici, Barra Bonita; Vicente Minguilli, Pederneiras; Ricardo Salaro Neto, from São Manuel; and representatives of the cities of Agudos and Borebi, as well as secretaries and municipal authorities. Pedro Stefanini, CEO; Carlos Pastrana, Project Star Director; and Sabrina de Branco, Senior Manager of Corporate Relations and Sustainability, represented Bracell SP’s executive board.

For Pedro Stefanini, the meeting with managers is the first of many that will happen during the expansion project. “This proximity, transparency and partnership with the municipalities of the region is one of the pillars in our way of acting. In terms of job creation, we seek to prioritize the hiring of professionals from the region, because we value the communities where we operate, strengthening our relationship”, he emphasized.

At the end of the event, Bracell promoted its toll free community relations number 0800 709 1490, created so that people can contact the company to ask questions, make suggestions, offer compliments, or raise issues. For job vacancies, applicants should visit